Anointing & Pastoral Care of the Sick
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
If you have a family member at home who is seriously sick or has been admitted to the hospital or is in danger of death, please do not hesitate to call the office so that the office staff can inform the priests. If it is an emergency, please call Fr. Scott at 585-615-3138.
In ordinary circumstances, any fully initiated Catholic who is chronically ill, elderly or in danger of death can receive this sacrament.
Sick Calls
The shut-ins are visited once a month in their home so that they may receive Holy Communion. Emergency sick calls are accepted at any time. Those taking care of the shut-ins should prepare the room for the Eucharist thus: meet the priest at the door with a lighted candle, have a small table ready, covered with a white cloth, a cross, candle and holy water on it. The priest first blesses the home. Then if someone wishes to go to confession they may do so. Communion is then given to the sick person and to the person or persons who are caring for the sick person, provided they are not prohibited from receiving by the laws of the Church (See also Guidelines for receiving the Eucharist).