Religious Education

Faith Formation/Religious Education

Faith Formation is the responsibility of all parents.  It is, in turn, the mission of the Church to support you, the parents, in this responsiblity.  The faith formation of Our Lady of Mercy and St. Brigid parishioners is more than religion classes - it is the life long effort of forming and, in turn, being formed as witnesses to Jesus Christ and opening hearts to the spiritual transformation given by the Holy Spirit.  Throughout the program, you and your child will be provided with a variety of experiences to help your family realize what it means to be a Catholic Christian and a member of Our Lady of Mercy and St. Brigid parish communities.

Empowering and equipping every family to live their faith at home and in the world is an essential part of the mission of the Church.  The goal of faith formation is to foster faith that is living, conscious and active through the light of Catechesis.  Our goal is to provide everyone with the resources and tools needed to grow in faith and to share it with others.  Teachers will discuss with their classes how Sacred Scripture and the teachings of our faith are reflected in their daily lives at home, in school and in the decisions they make.  Prayer and faith-sharing are an integral part of these gatherings.  All classes follow a standard curriculum that is based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and approved by the Diocese of Buffalo.

Faith Formation Grades Kindergarden-11

The Faith Formation program at Our Lady of Mercy and St. Brigid Parishes is intended to provide systematic formation in the faith for those in grades 1-11.  This instruction, along with participation at weekend Mass and faith formation in the home has the goal of leading our young people to a deeper relationship with God and the Church.

  • Sacramental preparation is provided for children making the First Reconciliation (2nd grade), First Holy Communion (3rd grade) and Confirmation (11th grade).
  • Classes for all grades are held on Sunday mornings from 9:15 - 10:30 am at the Our Lady of Mercy Parish complex.
  • On-line faith formation classes are available for those who cannot regularly attend the in-person classes on Sunday mornings.
  • In order to assist our parents in raising faithful children, and to conform to the Diocesan standards for faith formation, we also offer adult formation and discussion sessions monthly during the regular class time (see the Faith Formation schedule for these dates).

Religious Education Registration Form

Religious Education Calendar 2022/2023

For additional information regarding Our Lady of Mercy and St. Brigid Parishes' Faith Formation program, please contact:

Mrs. Denise Spacaccia, M.A. (Theology), Director of Religious Education

(585) 768-6543, ext. 8


Frequently Asked Questions:

Who can register?

  • Everyone - all are welcome!

How do I register?

  • Complete the above registration form (one per child, please).  Place the completed form along with the fee (checks payable to Our Lady of Mercy) in an envelope and drop it in the drop box located in the entry to the Parish Center, or mail it to the parish office at 44 Lake Street, LeRoy, NY 14482.

What if I can't afford the fee?

  • NO ONE will be refused due to inability to pay.  If your situation makes it difficult to pay the fee, please contact Denise.  All information will be kept confidential.  We have some "tuition angels" who will help


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